April 2021 Minutes

BHCC Meeting 4/19/21 by Mary Bjorklund

Attendees: Gretchin, Luke, Peyton, Vernon, Toni, Ron, Ben, Chris, Mary, Matt, Mark, Sam.

Pump fest event 

-Going to plan on July 10th and 11th at the beacon. 

-We are wanting to have a pumpfest guest speaker. Someone who knows the climbing history and has been around the hills. Potential speakers are: Bobby benman, Paul Piana,

Lilligan, Ron Yahne,  Pete Delanoy, Jon Gill, Steve and Lisa, Vernon Pinney, Mike Ingle, Toni B.


-The BHCC t-shirt for the year will be the same design as last year except with a different the color.

-A second BHCC shirt just for fun will be designed with the new goat logo on the front. On the back, a shadowed outline of the black hills designed by Leslie Kretchmar. The group

was in favor of keeping it clean and simple. No words, no date.

-Pumpfest t-shirt has the needles eye on the front and a topo of the spires drawn by the Cons on the back along with Jans quote “You can climb anything in the needles, if you

have the guts.”


-Matt had a good idea for a trail day. He suggested doing a spring cleaning around the spires and outlets to replace old/worn tat and webbing. 

-We are hoping to schedule another trail day with Custer park and the Rushmore Monument to help fix trails to repair erosion and remove down trees. We hope to schedule this

late spring, early summer with Renee, as well as, obtain a permit for use of chainsaws an other helpful equipment. Chris suggested turning it into an Adopt-a-Craig and dedicate

the whole day or weekend to trail maintenance.

-Luke suggested partnering with other local groups such as The Black Hills Trails to collaborate and work on each others trails and provide volunteers to help with mutual use


-Mark brought up the previous volunteer day for Falling rock when we collaborated with law enforcement and forest service to clean up the area and how excited they were for us

to help again in the future.


-Brandon and Emery thought of a fundraiser that would be fun and easy to do. They hoped to cooperate with the outdoor shop in Custer and have a keg event where you buy a

glass (designed and sold by the BHCC), get your first drink free, and then pay to get refills.